關於我 About Me

我是Jessie Lee( 李傑西)

一位遊走在北美的健康教練,一個把人生當作事業來經營,把事業當作旅行來享受,把享受專注在每一刻的中年媽媽! 我著有《The Hidden Path to Rejuvenation》《HeptaSlim Healthy and Delicacy Recipes》 《享瘦就瘦健康食譜》,和孩子共同著有《Wondrous Wildlife Maze Adventure: Unraveling the World's Strangest Animals》

我在北美開創了一套透過PWC(Personal Wellness Code)解決健康問題的計畫。 我幫助女性透過找到屬於她們獨特的個人健康密碼,透過身體和心靈排毒,來解決健康問題,包括減肥、塑身和調理、護膚和腸道健康。

我每週在我的YouTube頻道Jessie Lee_北美健康教練(中文)Jessie Lee_Wellness Coach (英文)分享独特有效的健康養身方法和我的陪練心得。.

My name is Jessie Lee, 

a wellness coach living and working in North America. I treat life as a career and enjoy every moment as a journey. I've authored books including "The Hidden Path to Rejuvenation" and "HeptaSlim Healthy and Delicacy Recipes," and co-authored "Wondrous Wildlife Maze Adventure: Unraveling the World's Strangest Animals" with my child.

In North America, I've pioneered a program a program, using PWC (Personal Wellness Code) to address health issues. My mission is to assist women in addressing concerns such as weight loss, body shaping, skincare, and gut health by helping them discover their unique personal wellness code and detoxifying their bodies and minds.

Each week, I share practical and effective health and wellness tips, along with stories from my coaching journey, on my YouTube channel Jessie Lee_Wellness Coach.

預約免費諮詢 Book a Free Consultation 

您在製定減肥計劃時,是否感到有些迷茫,不清楚下一步該如何推進或規劃? 現在邀請您預約一次免費的30分鐘諮詢,與健康陪跑教練Jessie深入溝通您目前的狀況,共同找出專屬您的瘦身和長遠的健康規劃建議。

Are you feeling unsure about how to proceed or plan your weight loss journey? If so, I'd like to extend an invitation for you to schedule a complimentary 30-minute consultation with wellness coach, Jessie. During this session, you'll have the opportunity to discuss your current situation in depth and collaborate with Jessie to develop personalized recommendations for your weight loss and long-term wellness goals.